My bedroom. It so clean at the moment. Give it a few weeks and I am sure it will look well lived in.
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Chasing Goofy, or the Big D in the WDW
A day to day account of Donald's adventures in Orlando, Florida. Donald is a participant in the Walt Disney World College Program. He works at the World of Disney, located in the Downtown Disney area. This blog is meant to give an insight to the program for future participants and for friends to keep track of Donald's adventures. We all know that wherever Donald roams, adventure is not far behind.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
My bathroom. It's huge.
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The large walk-in closet off of the bathroom. I'm in heaven. This one thing could keep me here forever.
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A close-up of my section of the closet. I knew I should have packed more.
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The view from a bedroom window. It's lovely when the afternoon sun shimmers on the trash bins.
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